
  • Évaluation: 8,30
  • Année d'émission: 2009
  • Genres: Sci-Fi, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Durée: 60 minutes
  • Complexité: 10

Ils sont des marginaux typiques qui pendant leurs travaux d'intérêt général sont frappés par la foudre. De suite, ils développent des superpuissances, qui ne sont pas vraiment un cadeau mais plutôt un fardeau. Leurs superpuissances montrent les faiblesses principales de leurs personnages.

  • 1. Episode #1.1
    Five young adolescents begin community service under the watchful eye of their probation officer when a freak storm strikes them, granting them supernatural abilities.
  • 2. Episode #1.2
    Nathan discovers that other people were affected by the storm and fears for his mother. Someone appears to know about the gang's secret agenda.
  • 3. Episode #1.3
    Alisha struggles to cope with her power when she grows closer to Curtis. Simon learns that the bodies may soon be discovered.
  • 4. Episode #1.4
    Curtis is reunited with his old girlfriend, and tries to set things right using his powers, with serious consequences.
  • 5. Episode #1.5
    Simon is torn when Sally starts seducing him to learn the truth about Tony. Nathan is obsessed with a lost child.
  • 6. Episode #1.6
    A group called Virtue appears to be brainwashing local teens into leading drink and drug free lives. It is led by a girl called Rachel who acquired the power of suggestion after the storm. However she also seems to be using her powers to gain a more sinister control over people's lives. With the rest of the misfits in her power or out of action,only Nathan,temporarily helped by a person known as Super-Hoodie,stands against her. Infiltrating the community centre,which has become Virtue's headquarters, Nathan fights Rachel on the roof and both fall off. Rachel is killed…
  • 1. Episode #2.1
    Nathan,whose special power is immortality,has been buried alive but he is rescued after a mysterious masked and hooded figure sends Kelly a paper dart reading ‘Go To His Grave’. Shaun,a new probation officer,laid back to the point of boredom,arrives and takes the group to help at an art therapy class for the emotionally disturbed where Simon meets Lucy,with whom he was once in a psychiatric unit. She is a shape-shifter,who morphs into each group member to tell them that Simon killed Sally,hoping he will be put back in the unit with her. However,since she loves him,she…
  • 2. Episode #2.2
    Nathan is approached by the tattooed,denim-clad Jamie,who claims to be his half-brother,conceived out of wedlock. He has recently found out and,to punish their no-good father Mike,has him tied up in the boot of his car. After the boys retrieve the car which gets stolen and rescue their dad Jamie and the misfits go to a club where pill-popping seems to reverse their powers and Curtis has a vision of a girl falling from a high roof. The mysterious hoodie reappears and Simon trails him to a flat block but when he and the others break in they find the girl who featured in…
  • 3. Episode #2.3
    Curtis goes to visit the rooftop girl,who is on a breathing machine whilst Alisha is rescued from muggers by the Super Hoodie,who,in fact,turns out to resemble Simon. He is actually a Simon of the future as the current Simon has not yet fully developed his powers. The Superhoodie does thwart Vince,a tattooist who tries to stab Curtis by playing on the tattooist's nut allergy. Future Simon shows Alisha a video also from the future in which the misfits have become famous but he swears her to secrecy about it and about his identity as the Super Hoodie. Nathan and Kelly …
  • 4. Episode #2.4
    The group is joined by Ollie,an environmental protester with the ability to teleport,but not for long,as they are attacked by gun-toting car driver Tim,who believes he is in a video game and the misfits are characters at whom he must shoot,which he does,killing Ollie. At least Ollie's heart is donated to Nikki,the sickly roof-top girl,which,to her surprise,allows her to teleport also though she agrees to date Curtis. But mad Tim returns,abducting Kelly,and demanding money for her release. By working out in which game Tim believes himself to be,the misfits can stay …
  • 5. Episode #2.5
    Having walked in on charity worker Jessica getting changed, Nathan finds that the lights have gone out and he has been ‘killed’ again. He and the other misfits are certain that the murderer is Jessica and attempt to warn Simon,who has become her boyfriend. Simon,however,is not convinced,despite the fact that another boy has been killed and his body disappeared. After Simon and Jessica have had sex he is subjected to a murderous attack but saved by Alisha. Curtis and Nikki also get it together whilst Kelly has a strange encounter with Bruno,who is not what he seems. …
  • 6. Episode #2.6
    Brian,another youngster hit by the storm,develops the power to control dairy products,and,to impress a would-be girlfriend,goes public with his special ability,being known as Milkman. This leads the misfits - despite reluctance from Simon - to also go public and,with a manager Laura to promote them,they become famous as the Asbo Five. Pushed onto the side-lines Milkman becomes murderously resentful and takes to killing innocent by-standers as well as setting a trap to put paid to his celebrity rivals. Curtis will have to bring his special powers into play to save his …
  • 7. Christmas Special
    The week before Christmas, and the gang see some graffiti that offers ‘Money for Powers’. At the address advertised they meet Seth, a drug dealer who was also struck in the storm and now has the ability to deal powers. Also a man who can walk on water and claiming to be Jesus attracts the media and Simon vows to kill him.
  • 1. Episode #3.1
    Whilst Kelly has trouble convincing people of her new power,the skills of a rocket scientist and Curtis finds his new gift,the ability to change sex useful when pursued by the police,the group learns that Nathan has gone to Las Vegas to use his super-power to cheat the casinos. He is replaced in the team by ladies' man Rudy,an old flame of Alisha,who has the ability to twin himself - somewhat unwittingly - when stressed. This incurs the wrath of pick-up Tanya who believes he is two-timing her and who gets her revenge by killing Charlie,the girl she saw Rudy kissing,…
  • 2. Episode #3.2
    Banned from athletics for drug use Curtis sees the opportunity to still compete as his new gender swap identity Melissa,whilst falling for fellow runner Emma. Emma is bi-sexual and is drawn to both Curtis and his alter ego Melissa but,with only Simon let into the secret, Curtis/Melissa becomes the reluctant object of the sexual attentions of Shaun,Rudy and running coach Mark,who spikes Melissa's drink at a party and tries to rape her,getting a rude shock when Curtis returns. Eventually Curtis is forced to admit the truth to the other misfits and,having saved her from …
  • 3. Episode #3.3
    In his alter ego as Super Hoodie Simon saves comic book fan Peter from a mugging. Later Peter recognises his protector from his voice and the boys become friends,Simon explaining his destiny,to become his future self by dying whilst saving Alisha. Peter,obsessed with his hero,uses his sinister gift to stop this - he draws cartoons in which the events come to pass in reality - and the pair have a climactic fight after Peter has abducted Alisha,though his comic strip reveals that he knew the outcome. Shaun meanwhile discovers Rudy's ability to clone himself whilst Kelly…
  • 4. Episode #3.4
    Elderly Jew Friedrich Hirsch travels back to 1930s Berlin to kill Hitler but fails and the Nazis use his mobile phone technology which alters history so Germany wins the war and present day Britain is under Nazi control, and none of the misfits know each other. Kelly and Simon are reluctant conscripts whilst Shaun,with Alisha his unwilling girlfriend,is right hand man to odious Captain Smith. Seth,his ability to give and take super powers an asset to the Nazis,is imprisoned but Kelly and the other misfits spring him,leading to a shoot-out. To restore the balance and …
  • 5. Episode #3.5
    Kelly is accidentally body-swapped with a coma patient. Rudy gets anger management therapy.
  • 6. Episode #3.6
    Rudy is cursed by a girl with whom he has anonymous sex so that his penis turns black and starts to drop off. Helped by Simon he tracks her down and pretends he is in love with her,only for her to be the wrong girl,who has him arrested,requiring his clone to help him escape. Finally he meets Leah,the girl in question,at a disco,where he makes a public apology for his randiness and she puts things right for him. Curtis finds himself not only stuck as Melissa but pregnant - by himself. Seth buys his sex change power back from him to return him to normal but Seth has now…
  • 7. Episode #3.7
    Having relieved Curtis of the power to change sex Seth instils in him the power to reanimate the dead and bring his girlfriend back to life,as a result of which Seth dumps Kelly. After Curtis has brought back to life a dead cat which savages its owner the gang knows that something is wrong as the born again corpses have a taste for blood,attacking the living and turning them into rabid zombies,including a group of cheer leaders who are rehearsing in the Community Centre. Seth is forced to kill his girlfriend as she prepares to go for him,making him realise that he …
  • 8. Episode #3.8
    The misfits meet medium Jonas,a former charlatan who,following the storm,has the power to revive the dead who have unfinished business on Earth. Thus three of their victims come back to life - probation supervisors Sally and Tony and the virginal Rachel,keen to have her first taste of sex - which suits Rudy. After Sally has flirted with Simon to make Alisha jealous she reveals that she wanted to return to express her love for Tony,which is reciprocated,allowing them to pass over. Rachel,however,wants revenge and fatally stabs one of the group,requiring a life-saving …
  • 1. Episode #4.1
    Alisha and Simon have finished their community work and moved on whilst Kelly is in Africa,putting her gift to use destroying land-mines,boyfriend Seth returning for their belongings. New offenders are perky Jess,who has X-ray vision and morbid,telekinetic Finn whom Rudy unsuccessfully tries to convince that he is their probation officer. A wounded man staggers into the building with a briefcase and as he falls touches Curtis,Rudy and Seth who are infected with a green glow. This infection is a property the man acquired in the storm,the ruthless desire to gain the …
  • 2. Episode #4.2
    When the misfits model for a sculpture class for the blind Curtis and Rudy both fall for student Ally but both are rejected as her guide dog picked up the power of telepathy in the storm and is conveying their weaknesses to her. Rudy discovers Sadie tied up in Finn's flat and lets her go. Finn explains that following the storm Sadie picked up the power to control him using violence but he loves her and does not want to leave her,hence his actions. Sadie counters by saying that she was only curing his slobbishness . Seth agrees to take Sadie's power from her but,in …
  • 3. Episode #4.3
    Finn is confused when stepmother Lisa tries to seduce him and even more so when Mike,the man he believed was his father,says Finn is not his son after all. Curtis makes headway with Lola but Jess is annoyed when Alex ducks out of a date. A third Rudy,a violent criminal just out of jail,turns up,frightening the gang with his violent talk and taking over the other two Rudys. After he has got Jess to admit to an attempted suicide after a boy dumped her he attacks Greg but is himself killed by Jess in order to release the other Rudys.
  • 4. Episode #4.4
    Finn and Rudy have problems over sharing their illicit room in the centre but,after Rudy has been banished to a room full of slugs,decide they miss each other. Lola tells Curtis that ex-boyfriend Jake was violent to her and gives Curtis a gun to threaten him. During a fight the gun goes off,killing Jake but when Curtis discovers that Lola is an impostor he briefly resurrects him and learns that,due to the storm,Lola became a man-hater turning men against each other. However Jake must be killed again to prevent him becoming a zombie. Curtis locates Lola,who now has …
  • 5. Episode #4.5
    Using old photographs Finn tracks down his real father,Dan,who has terminal cancer but is being kept alive by his daughter Grace,using the power she got in the storm. Dan tells Finn that he is in pain and wants Grace to let him die but she is unhappy when Finn confronts her with her father's request,saying she does not want to be alone. Finn assures her that he will always be there for her. Finn also shadows Alex,believing him to be gay as he keeps meeting other boys. Jess refuses to believe it and has a date with Alex,who kisses her but stops short of sex. However …
  • 6. Episode #4.6
    Rudy takes Jess,Finn and Alex to a party held by his drug-loving friend Richard,where they discover they have the number of their sexual partners indelibly written on their foreheads. Richard is cowering in a cupboard,terrified of ‘the White Rabbit’,an apparent mutant. Bored with the party Finn and Rudy gate-crash a funeral where Rudy talks to the enigmatic Nadine,who rushes away mysteriously at midnight. Following her he is pursued by the giant white rabbit,which has just killed a girl but he escapes and gathers the boys together in time to rescue Jess from the …
  • 7. Episode #4.7
    Abbey sticks around at the Community Centre,claiming to be on community service when Greg questions her presence. She meets Tara from an ante-natal class who does not want her baby and transfers it to Abbey. However Abbey initially wants to keep the child,admitting that she lost her memory in the storm and wants something to make her feel she belongs. When Tara returns though Abbey feels sorry for her and reverses the process. Alex locates James,the girl who took his penis and tracks her down to a karaoke club,where the other misfits are amazed to see the threatening …
  • 8. Episode #4.8
    Rudy is perturbed that the nuns try to prevent him from seeing Nadine and,along with Abbey and Finn - who have just had sex - rescue her from the convent. However Alex's new-found masculinity has made him sexually selfish and Finn argues with him since he has cheated on Jess. Being confronted by anger which stresses her out unfortunately unleashes Nadine's special power - the ability to summon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,which she does despite herself. The misfits are attacked by the horsemen and,although Finn uses his special power to save Abbey,Nadine …
  • 1. Episode #5.1
    Alex recovers from his operation and is followed home by Emma, a woman who tells him that his donor, Neil, had the power to rid people of their super-powers through having sex with him, and persuades him to rid her of her unwanted gift, the ability to cause accidents. He reluctantly complies. Back at the Centre Finn meets Lucy, one of a group of Scouts, who seems attracted to him but the group are in fact Satanists who force him to join them as an agent of the devil and commit demonic acts. When holy water fails to cure there is only one solution - Alex takes him from…
  • 2. Episode Two
    While the gang are out on the estate picking up litter, Rudy discovers that his dad is having an affair. With some help from Jess, Rudy investigates further and finds out his dad has a superpower of his own, a dark secret he has kept hidden from his family. As Rudy and Jess find themselves thrown together, Rudy is shocked to discover he has feelings for her. Meanwhile at the superpower support group, Rudy Two meets a mysterious boy with the power to fly and he starts to believe that the jumper Maggie knitted him really does hold the secrets to the gang's future.
  • 3. Episode Three
    Abby is convinced she has finally met her soulmate in Laura until childhood memories return to haunt her, unleashing a terrifying force. Finn is in an awkward position when it becomes clear that Greg, the probation worker, has a crush on him. And, searching for the mysterious superhero on his woolly jumper, Rudy's alter-ego meets Sam.
  • 4. Episode #5.4
    After Rudy 2 goes missing the others encounter a befuddled old man who, from his tattoos, is clearly a geriatric version of the clone. Seeking answers to how he got that way the original Rudy, accompanied by Finn, goes to the support group but gets little help. Then Rudy discovers a young man threatening the elderly fellow and calling him Mr Johnson before trying to kill him. The youngster was originally an old chap called Mr Johnson and, following the storm, he received the power to swap ages with people - in this case Rudy 2 - so he can marry his young nurse. Rudy …
  • 5. Episode #5.5
    To take his mind off Jess ditching him Rudy 2 takes Finn to the support group where he meets a girl called Leah but when they go on a date she fails to recognize him. Following a call from her he visits her but ends up a prisoner in her ‘virtual’ flat. After the storm she acquired the ability to turn real life into a computer world, downloading herself into her friend to ensnare Finn, whom she wants to inhabit her virtual world with her. To further put Finn off Jess Rudy 1 takes a photo of her on the toilet but it accidentally gets posted on the global Internet. …
  • 6. Episode #5.6
    As part of the community service the team help out at a centre for terminally ill young people, organized by Kate. Finn befriends Ben, who admits that he is only feigning illness for the attention but after Ben has been hugged by cancer victim Lucas he kills himself whilst Lucas appears to be in remission. Lucas then hugs Finn, who, like Ben, attempts suicide but is saved by the others. It becomes apparent that Lucas's power is to temporarily extend his life at others' expense and the gang persuade him that he must end it all to save future victims. Alex has a run-in …
  • 7. Episode #5.7
    Rudy 2 tells Rudy 1 that he wants them to live separate lives so he can be with Helen and, along with Abby, throws a party to celebrate their ‘birth’ days. Alex brings along Sara, the latest person whom he has relieved of their power but unfortunately he takes an ecstasy tablet, unaware that this will reverse his power so, after sex with Sara, she has taken on all the bad powers Alex has removed from others and Finn has to bring his telekinesis into play to save the group from her. Rudy 2 is pleased to meet his trio of super-heroes from the jumper, Helen who uses …
  • 8. Episode #5.8
    The gang discover that their community service is over and begin to contemplate life after the orange jumpsuits.
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