
  • 평점: 7.10
  • 발행 연도: 2014
  • 장르: Comedy
  • 국가: United States
  • 기간: 21 분

A family man struggles to gain a sense of cultural identity while raising his kids in a predominantly white, upper-middle-class neighborhood.

  • 1. Pilot
    Dre anticipates a promotion at work. Andre Jr. announces he's converting to Judaism.
  • 2. The Talk
    Dre insists on giving his son “the talk”, but soon regrets it when he's bombarded with questions about sex.
  • 3. The Nod
    Dre tries to help Andre Jr. expand his social circle; Rainbow takes Diane to the hospital in hope of inspiring her, but things don't go as planned.
  • 4. Crazy Mom
    Dre agrees to do Rainbow's “mom” duties for a week.
  • 5. Crime and Punishment
    Although Dre and Rainbow agreed they would no longer spank their kids, all bets might be off when Jack disobeys. Now, Zoey, Junior, Diane and a nervous Jack are afraid that their parents will go back on their word.
  • 6. The Prank King
    Dre fears his holiday fun will be ruined when the older kids balk at the glorious Johnson Halloween tradition of seeing who can pull the most outlandish pranks on each other.
  • 7. The Gift of Hunger
    After the kids turn their collective noses up at Dre's favorite cheap restaurant in his old ‘hood,’ he decides it's time to give them a reality check. He insists all of them get jobs.
  • 8. Oedipal Triangle
    Dre's mother, Ruby, comes for a visit, and she smothers her pork chops with gravy, Dre with love, and would like to flat out smother Bow. Dre tries to find a way to get the two most important women in his life to get along.
  • 9. Colored Commentary
    Dre wants the family to feel more connected so he embraces what it means to have each other's backs. Bow and Dre invoke “Team Johnson” putting the less-than-enthusiastic Zoey and Andre Jr. in charge of babysitting the twins.
  • 10. Black Santa __ White Christmas
    Certain that his annual office Christmas party needs a black Santa, Dre goes out of his way to fill the red suit, even though the head of HR already got the job. Meanwhile, Bow doesn't feel like competing with Ruby over who cooks the big holiday dinner.
  • 11. Law of Attraction
    Dre worries Rainbow is questioning his manliness, so Pops tries to help his son save face. Meanwhile, things get awkward when Jr. is selected to play “Romeo” to his sister Zoey's “Juliet” in their school play.
  • 12. Martin Luther sKiing Day
    On the way to the Johnson family's annual MLK holiday ski trip, Dre realizes his children may not know the significance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so he decides to inundate them with Dr. King history facts.
  • 13. Big Night, Big Fight
    Dre is determined to keep the peace on Valentine's Day; Diane's siblings try to teach Diane how to give a compliment.
  • 14. Andre from Marseille
    When Zoey brings home her first “serious” boyfriend,also named Andre, Dre takes an instant dislike to him for many reasons. He's thrilled when they break up…until he learns that Andre dumped Zoey because she's too shallow.
  • 15. The Dozens
    Andre Jr. is being bullied at school so Dre teaches him how to defend himself with words. Dad teaches his son how to trash talk like a prize fighter. Meanwhile, Diane doesn't want the night light turned off because she's afraid of the dark causing Bow to go nuts from sleep deprivation.
  • 16. Parental Guidance
    Dre organizes an amazing vow renewal for their 15th anniversary. But when Bow's hippie-dippy parents, Alicia and the white Paul show up unannounced bombshells drop and old disagreements between the two families.
  • 17. 30 Something
    Things begin to fall apart, in more ways than one, when Dre hurts himself playing basketball right before his 40th birthday. Bow and Ruby face off over who can get Dre the best gift, and the kids try to figure out what to give their dad.
  • 18. Sex, Lies and Vasectomies
    Bow learns from her colleague that Dre never had the vasectomy a few years back that he was supposedly scheduled, so she decides to see if he'll come clean and tell the truth.
  • 19. The Real World
    Bow nvites her friends from college to an elaborate dinner party in hopes of impressing them; Dre learns a lot about Bow's past; the kids decide to create their own reality show by documenting the party.
  • 20. Switch Hitting
    When super cool–and white–exec Jay Sloane challenges Dre over his street cred and picks inept Charlie for a big urban market account, Dre finds himself questioning his “blackness.” Pops gets a letter from the IRS and fears the worst.
  • 21. The Peer-ent Trap
    When teenager Zoey goes through a mini-rebellion phase by pushing boundaries and acting out, Dre wants to lay down the law, while Bow insists on a softer approach like her mom did with her.
  • 22. Please Don't Ask, Please Don't Tell
    Dre's sister, Rhonda, is in town for Mother's Day and although she hasn't come out to the family, everyone knows she's gay, except Ruby.
  • 23. Elephant in the Room
    Liberals Dre and Bow go ballistic when Junior declares he's joined the Young Republican Club to impress a girl (ironically named Hillary). Since they really can't believe any reasonable black people would be Republicans, Dre and Bow arrange to meet Hillary's wealthy and conservative parents.
  • 24. Pops' Pops' Pops
    Pops comes to the rescue with the colorful story of how his great-great grandfather, Drexler Johnson, bet the future of the Johnson family against a ruthless gangster, Elroy Savoy, for Jack and Diane's school assignment.
  • 1. The Word
    Jack says the n word at school quoting a Kanye West song and faces suspension for it, while Junior works on winning an Eco-friendly contest. Dre examines the way the word is used and Junior faces resistance at home.
  • 2. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Gun
    After a break-in down the block, Dre talks about getting a gun, and Bow is not comfortable with the idea. Jack and Diane are shocked that they have been living in the house unprotected, Junior sets off on a quest to protect the family from the real threat, cyber terrorism, and Zoey has Pops teach her the art of Karate to defend herself.
  • 3. Dr. Hell No
    Dre and Bow are shocked and concerned when Pops admits that he has not been to a doctor in several years.
  • 4. Daddy's Day
    Dre and his colleagues invent a new holiday after being fed up.
  • 5. Churched
    In the Johnson home, Sundays involve SAT prep and sports, so when the family is invited to Church on Sunday by the neighbors, Dre goes against his instinct of always saying “no” and agrees. When they end up having one of the best Sundays they can remember, they realize they should say “yes” to things more often. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane find out they were never baptized, and take it upon themselves to do whatever they want.
  • 6. Jacked o' Lantern
    Dre's nieces and nephews come to the neighborhood to trick-or-treat, to the disappointment of his own kids; Dre faces his cousin June Bug, who used to bully him.
  • 7. Charlie in Charge
    Dre relies on pharmaceutical assistance to help him conquer his fear of flying when he and Bow take Zoey to visit Brown University, Bow's alma mater; Charlie reveals details about a former flame.
  • 8. Chop Shop
    Before the family Christmas card shoot, Dre takes Junior and Jack to get a haircut from his lifelong barber, T., but Junior chooses another barber.
  • 9. Man at Work
    Dre has always looked out for the crew he grew up with, but when his childhood friend Sha comes to stay at the house for a few days, Bow thinks he is taking advantage of Dre's generosity. Meanwhile, Daphne Lido, the now ex-wife of Stevens and Lido's founding partner, gains control of half of the company and wants to start inserting herself in company business. When Daphne starts to question Charlie's work ethic, Dre must decide who he remains loyal to.
  • 10. Stuff
    Dre thinks Christmas has become commercialized and is all about “stuff,” and no one loves “stuff” more than his kids. Pops and Ruby think they have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas and come up with a new plan to pare down gifts and spend more time together. The kids don't handle the news well and hope that if they put on their best behavior Dre and Bow will cave in. Meanwhile, Daphne Lido (played by Wanda Sykes), who is single for her first holiday alone, invites herself to the Johnson family home to celebrate with them.
  • 11. Plus Two Isn't a Thing
    Dre's childhood best friend Gigi Franklin is in town, and Bow feels like an afterthought whenever the two of them are together. Meanwhile, the kids always look forward to a visit from Aunt Gigi and during her stay, become inspired to film a music video and become YouTube stars.
  • 12. Old Digger
    When Ruby invites Dre and Bow to meet the new man in her life, Dre goes on the defensive and finds any reason to dislike him. Once Pops learns that Ruby's suitor is the real deal, he comes up with a plan to distract her. Meanwhile, Junior meets a girl on a dating site, and Zoey, Jack and Diane convince him he's being scammed.
  • 13. Keeping Up with the Johnsons
    Dre and Bow realize they need to be more financially responsible and try to prove to each other they can live without outrageous expenses. Meanwhile, the kids overhear their parents talking about money and Junior decides to start day trading.
  • 14. Sink or Swim
    After Dre notices that his neighbor Janine has never invited his family to any of her pool parties, he assumes she is racially stereotyping them as a family that doesn't swim. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane are a part of the Girls' and Boys' Rovers Organization, and they envy each other's activities.
  • 15. Twindependence
    Jack and Diane are tired of being twins, and after much pleading, Dre and Bow give in to letting them explore their lives as individuals. Meanwhile, Dre buys Zoey her first car, and when he shares the news at work, his colleagues bring up all the terrible things teens do with cars.
  • 16. Hope
    When the kids ask some tough questions in the midst of a highly publicized court case involving alleged police brutality and an African-American teenager, Dre and Bow are conflicted on how best to field them. When the verdict is announced, the family handles the news in different ways.
  • 17. Any Given Saturday
    Diane has a class assignment of doing a documentary on her twin, Jack. This exposes the family's fixation on Jack's basketball playing. Junior inspires to be a great basketball referee.
  • 18. Black Nanny
    Bow persuades Dre to hire a nanny, and after several interviews that don't go well, they meet Vivian, who impresses them with her desire to take care of the whole family. Meanwhile, when Diane decides to run for class president, Zoey helps Diane create a smear campaign to win Diane the vote.
  • 19. The Leftovers
    When Dre and Bow realize they don't have a legal guardian for their kids, they make it their mission to find replacement parents should anything happen to them. Meanwhile, Zoey and Junior reveal the truth to Jack about their old dog's death and other family secrets he naively accepted.
  • 20. Johnson & Johnson
    Dre’s sister, Rhonda, is getting married to her girlfriend, Sharon, and the upcoming nuptials lead to a conversation on tradition. Dre finds out that Bow is against the patriarchal convention of taking the man’s last name, but he never knew this because Bow’s maiden name is also Johnson. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane want to be the ring bearer and flower girl but worry they’ve aged out of the gigs, and Junior and Zoey prep Ruby to embrace her daughter’s relationshi.
  • 21. The Johnson Show
    Dre has always strived to mirror his life after the model families he grew up watching on TV. When news spreads that Stevens & Lido is going through layoffs, Dre panics that his family’s reputation will be tarnished if he loses his job. Meanwhile, Bow has something to prove when she’s put in charge of the school auction and refuses to ask the other moms for help. Instead, she enlists the kids who end up doing more harm than good to the family name.
  • 22. Super Rich Kids
    Dre has always felt his older son was never like him, but when he finally meets Junior’s cool friends, Dre is all in and happy that his son may have the opportunity for an actual social life. Meanwhile, Bow is dealing with Ruby, Zoey, Jack and Diane not confessing to things breaking around the house and decides to handle it her own way after some judgment from Vivian.
  • 23. Daddy Dre-Care
    The flu is going around the Johnson household, and with things in flux at work, Dre tries to avoid catching the bug at all costs. Dre has to step up and take care of the whole family. Ruby is in quarantine with Bow, and she learns a lot about her mother-in-law. Meanwhile, the kids want Bow to take care of them and resist Dre’s help.
  • 24. Good-ish Times
  • 1. VIP
    Dre decides to take his family to Walt Disney World on the magical, first-class vacation experience he was never able to have as a kid. With the help of a VIP tour guide, Dre and the kids take full advantage of their VIP status. Meanwhile, Bow, Pops and Ruby set off on their own adventure at Walt Disney World.
  • 2. God
    When Dre discovers that Zoey is questioning her belief in God, he undergoes a crisis of faith and leans on family members and coworkers for their input. Meanwhile, Bow’s brother Johan comes to stay with The Johnsons after living abroad and becomes an instant thorn in Dre’s side.
  • 3. 40 Acres and a Vote
    With Obama leaving office and the upcoming election, Dre finds a new candidate to believe in – Junior. Junior is running for class president and is overqualified for the job, but he just can’t seem to connect with his fellow classmates. Dre becomes his campaign manager and tries to make Junior appeal to the masses. Meanwhile, Pops, Johan and Jack discuss why they’re not voting in the upcoming election, and Bow is worried that Zoey’s college essay is not going to get her into college.
  • 4. Who’s Afraid of the Big Black Man?
    After a situation arises at work, Dre’s views are confronted regarding how black people are perceived now versus when he grew up. He wants to be more open-minded about being a part of his community, and his first step is joining his Homeowners’ Association. Meanwhile, Bow wants to spend more time with the kids before the new baby arrives and gets advice from Pops on how to make them want to be around her.
  • 5. The Purge
    After Junior embarrasses Dre during a basketball game, Dre decides to remind Junior of his master pranking skills so he’ll never challenge him again. Meanwhile, the neighborhood participates in a “mischief night” during Halloween where petty crimes become legal, and Ruby takes it too far with the kids.
  • 6. Jack of All Trades
    When Jack and Diane bring home the results of their career tests, Dre and Bow must come to terms with the fact that Jack may have a blue-collar future. Meanwhile, Ruby is convinced Diane is possessed with a little help from Junior and Zoey.
  • 7. Auntsgiving
    Pops’ older sister Almaviligerais unexpectedly arrives for Thanksgiving, much to everyone’s delight except Ruby, who can’t stand her ex-sister-in-law. While Bow and Dre go on their last vacation before the baby arrives, the kids try to figure out why Ruby hates Almaviligerais so much.
  • 8. Being Bow-racial
    Bow must address unresolved feelings about her own biracial identity when Junior brings home his first girlfriend, who happens to be white. Dre is handling a big project for a client at work and relies on Charlie to teach him how to relate to the campaign’s white, female point-person. Meanwhile, Zoey needs extra credit for her design class, and asks Jack and Diane if she can remodel their room.
  • 9. Nothing but Nepotism
    Bow urges Dre to use his connections and secure Zoey a fellowship, but he doesn’t want his daughter relying on nepotism. When Bow finds Zoey a place at the hospital, Dre balks at the idea and successfully pulls some strings at Teen Vogue. Meanwhile, Junior loses his first job at an arcade pizza joint that the twins love after he reports their unclean practices to corporate, and they shut it down.
  • 10. Just Christmas, Baby
    Zoey is college-bound, so Dre sets out to create the best family Christmas ever, even having Johan and his best friend, Gigi, over for the celebration. Meanwhile, Bow babysits Gigi’s newborn and remembers just how difficult mothering a baby is.
  • 11. Their Eyes Were Watching Screens
    When Diane stumbles onto some websites that give her more than she bargained for, Dre and Bow must take action. Concerned that the internet is corrupting their children, Dre and Bow decide to make their home an internet free-zone and deal with the backlash.
  • 12. Lemons
    The nation is still reeling after the outcome of the presidential election, and tensions are particularly high at Dre’s work. Much to his frustration, they haven’t been able to get anything done since election night – eight weeks ago. Meanwhile, Junior is dealing with a disenfranchised student body as class president, and when he is asked to deliver Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at school, Pops teaches him there is more to the speech than Junior thought.
  • 13. Good Dre Hunting
    Bow convinces a begrudging Dre to try therapy, and he learns how to cope with his anger issues. Meanwhile, Johan becomes a life coach to the kids.
  • 14. The Name Game
    Dre and Bow have a gender reveal party, and Dre is thrilled because it’s his turn to name the baby. He decides on a culturally significant name that Bow and Ruby aren’t a fan of. Meanwhile, Zoey’s plan to have an anti-Valentine’s Day with her friend Shelly is thwarted when Junior asks Shelly out on a date, so Diane tries to fill in as Zoey’s BFF.
  • 15. I’m a Survivor
    When Dre goes back to Compton for a funeral, he is reunited with his old crew and struggles with survivor’s remorse for the friends he left behind. Meanwhile, Bow becomes self-conscious when Ruby criticizes her parenting style.
  • 16. ToysRn’tUs
    Janine gives Diane a white Girlstory doll for her birthday, and when Bow tries to return it for a black doll, she is shocked by the limited options offered. Dre blames the lack of representation of African Americans in the media, but when confronting this systematic problem, he realizes that he has prejudices of his own. Meanwhile, Ruby enlists the help of Junior to be her Spades partner.
  • 17. ToysRn’tUs
    Janine gives Diane a white Girlstory doll for her birthday, and when Bow tries to return it for a black doll, she is shocked by the limited options offered. Dre blames the lack of representation of African Americans in the media, but when confronting this systematic problem, he realizes that he has prejudices of his own. Meanwhile, Ruby enlists the help of Junior to be her Spades partner.
  • 18. Manternity
    Dre considers taking paternity leave after he realizes that Zoey is arguably the best child and their bond developed while he was unemployed when she was born. Meanwhile, Bow tries to hide her pregnancy in order to get a promotion, and Ruby convinces the kids that their nanny, Vivian, is stealing from them.
  • 19. Richard Youngsta
    Dre is excited about doing a campaign with a popular rap star but becomes conflicted when Bow and Ruby provide feedback suggesting it plays on stereotypes. Meanwhile, Bow is determined to get the family to stop eating so much take-out food.
  • 20. What Lies Beneath
    Dre’s sister Rhonda is in town, and he feels a little jealous of her close relationship with Pops. Dre and Bow urge Zoey to take Junior to a high school party, and things get out of hand. Meanwhile, the twins feel like they’re soon to be forgotten, so they decide to live life to the fullest.
  • 21. Sister, Sister
    Bow’s sister comes to town after filming a stint on a reality show, and they couldn’t have less in common. Meanwhile, Zoey suggests that Dre spend more time with Junior since she’s leaving for college, and Jack and Diane decide to rebrand themselves.
  • 22. All Groan Up
    When Zoey gets into several colleges around the country, Dre and Bow begin to feel worried and sentimental. They reflect back on memories they’ve had with the family and wonder what life will be like without her around all the time. Pops enlists the twins to try and sway Zoey to go to college in a city they want to visit.
  • 23. Liberal Arts
    Dre tearfully drops Zoey off to college for her two-day orientation, and she hits it off with fellow incoming freshman Miriam after they ditch the campus tour. They are smitten upon meeting Aaron, who is running the Black Student Union booth at the club fair. When Zoey finds out that Dre never turned in her housing application, she pays a visit to President Schock and Dean Parker to plead for mercy.
  • 24. Sprinkles
    Initially wary, Dre embraces throwing Bow’s baby shower and wants it to be unforgettable. However, his plans are put on hold when Bow stops by the OB/GYN with a headache and discovers she is having complications.
  • 1. Juneteenth
    The Johnsons go to Jack and Diane’s school play about Columbus Day, and Dre is dismayed by the historically inaccurate way that the holiday is portrayed. He feels like there aren’t enough black holidays, so he enlists Aloe Blacc at work to help him create a catchy song to raise awareness for a holiday worth celebrating, Juneteenth.
  • 2. Mother Nature
    Bow is feeling overwhelmed after the birth of DeVante and learns she is suffering from postpartem depression. Dre urges her to get help and stands by her side while she works through it. Meanwhile, the kids babyproof the house in an effort to help their parents out
  • 3. Elder. Scam.
    Ruby gets scammed and Dre begins to suspect that she isn’t as sharp as she used to be, particularly because she was the one who used to scam other people. Zoey’s friend Aaron visits and Diane develops an instant crush on him.
  • 4. Advance to Go (Collect $200)
    Dre brings everyone together for a rowdy family game night and the competition is fierce. The game of choice is Monopoly and as the night progresses, alliances are formed and some are pushed to their limits. Meanwhile, Bow makes it clear how she feels about Junior’s girlfriend, Megan.
  • 5. Public Fool
    An incident at school threatens Junior’s future at his beloved Valley Glen Prep.
  • 6. First and Last
    Diane experiences a big life event toward becoming a woman and Bow, Ruby, Zoey and Alicia are there to support her. Meanwhile, afraid that he may never be able to beat Junior at basketball again, Dre conducts psychological warfare on Junior before challenging him to a game.
  • 7. Please Don't Feed the Animals
    Bow keeps in touch with Dre’s incarcerated godbrother, Omar, but when they find out he is being released from prison, Omar’s future sparks debate. Meanwhile, Ruby lets it slip to the kids that she’s been to jail and they push her to tell them more secrets from her past.
  • 8. Charity Case
    Dre is chosen to lead Stevens & Lido’s new charity campaign which helps people give back to their community. When Bow advises Dre that there is more to giving back than cutting checks, he decides to donate some of his clothes to a man in need. Meanwhile, Junior fails his driving test, so Ruby offers to chaperone a trip with him and the twins on an informative outing.
  • 9. Sugar Daddy
    Dre is diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and after talking to Pops, he’s resolved to curing himself. Things come to a head at the Stevens & Lido holiday party. Meanwhile, Jack is convinced that baby Devante hates him, so he enlists Junior and Diane’s help.
  • 10. Working Girl
    Bow struggles to adjust as she returns to work after maternity leave. Meanwhile, Ruby gives the twins a “workaround” plan to get out of doing homework.
  • 11. Inheritance
    Dre’s sister Rhonda is in town and Ruby has a talk with them about her inheritance. Meanwhile, Bow’s sister Santamonica is also in town and she hires Junior to become her assistant.
  • 12. Bow Knows
    Dre is selected to run point on a campaign that focuses on “The Talk,” which refers to the conversations that Black parents have with their children through the decades to prepare them for the racial bias they may face in the world. Meanwhile, Bow finds an online group of women that she leans on for advice and support.
  • 13. Unkept Woman
    Dre and Bow’s morning routine with the kids is changing now that Bow is taking some time off work. Meanwhile, Junior bonds with Diane now that he is in charge of driving his siblings to school,
  • 14. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
    Dre and Bow confront gender biases of their own after finding out that both Junior and Zoey have become sexually active. Meanwhile, Ruby is hurt when she finds out that Jack and Diane have been hanging out with a friend’s grandmother after school.
  • 15. White Breakfast
    When Jack and Diane get in trouble at school, Dre and Bow have to figure out the right balance of discipline and support so that their kids aren’t too afraid of authority nor entitled either. Meanwhile, Ruby thinks Junior’s Spanish teacher is flirting with him, and he begins to realize that girls at school are starting to check him out.
  • 16. Things Were Different Then
    Dre reluctantly helps Junior plan Pops’ 65th birthday party and starts to see his dad’s past in a new light. Meanwhile, Bow decides to say “yes” to everything for a whole year and Jack & Diane take advantage of her.
  • 17. North Star
    When both Dre and Bow’s families show up for Easter, they have to learn to love each other’s different cuisines. Meanwhile, Junior tries to organize an Easter egg hunt but Jack and Diane pretend not to be interested to impress their cooler cousins.
  • 18. Black Math
    When Junior is accepted to Howard and Stanford, Dre tries to convince him to attend his alma mater. Meanwhile, Jack develops a comedy style and Ruby decides she’s going to manage his career, forcing Diane to compete for her attention.
  • 19. Dog Eat Dog World
    The family is divided over the idea of getting a dog after Dre and Bow promise Jack they can get one after he gets Straight A’s – and he does! Meanwhile, Bow’s brother Johan is in town and he doesn’t get the warm welcome he expects from Ruby.
  • 20. Fifty-Three Percent
    Dre and Bow have been fighting more than usual, and they decide to go back to their therapist who suggests they make time for a date night. Meanwhile, after Devante’s first birthday party, the bouncy house gets left behind, and Jack and Diane take advantage of it in different ways.
  • 21. Blue Valentime
    Tensions are high between Dre and Bow as their contractor arrives to remodel the kitchen, realizing they have grown apart. Dre reflects on the good times in his relationship with Bow.
  • 22. Collateral Damage
    The Johnson kids attempt to keep their emotions in check after an estranged Dre and Bow try “nesting,” taking turns living in the family house separately to give each other space. But tensions mount as the family gathers together for Junior’s high school graduation.
  • 23. Dream Home
    Dre and Bow are living separate lives and switching off with the kids. They start to realize how much they relied on each other and how hard it is being on their own. Dre gets his sleek, ultra-modern dream house in the canyon with all the amenities, and Bow doesn’t think it’s suitable for the kids.
  • 24. Episode
  • 1. Gap Year
    After dropping Junior off at college, Dre and Bow are beside themselves when they find him back at home announcing his decision to take a gap year. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane begin to question whether they should still be sharing a room.
  • 2. Don't You Be My Neighbor
    The neighbors decide to rent their house out for homestays and it’s causing problems for the Johnsons. Dre develops a newfound joy of calling the cops over petty neighborhood issues but begins to question the example he is setting for Jack. Meanwhile, Diane develops her first crush and Bow wants to help but lets Zoey take the lead.
  • 3. Scarred for Life
    The twins opt out of the family Halloween costume for fear it will hurt their social status in middle school. Dre and Bow take it upon themselves to protect them from bullies by putting together the best haunted house and invite the whole seventh grade. Meanwhile, Junior starts spending time with a girl from Ruby’s choir and Ruby doesn’t know how to feel about it.
  • 4. Purple Rain
    The family is shocked to learn that Jack and Diane are not familiar with the iconic music of Prince. One by one, each member of the family works to explain Prince’s tremendous impact on their lives through his music.
  • 5. Good Grief
    Bow’s mom, Alicia, visits the family for the first time since the loss of Bow’s dad, and she is still heavily grieving. Bow decides to throw a big luau-themed party for what would have been her dad’s next birthday. Meanwhile, Mason has an extra ticket to an MMA fight and invites Diane on the same night as the party.
  • 6. Stand Up, Fall Down
    Junior hasn’t been doing much at home during his gap year, so Dre decides to put him to work as an intern at Stevens & Lido. Junior is astonished to see Dre’s co-workers say offensive things and Dre letting it slide. Meanwhile, Bow lets Ruby watch Devante after the nanny quits; and Ruby has a hard time following Bow’s rules.
  • 7. Friends Without Benefits
    Bow makes a new friend at work and Dre thinks she has broken bird syndrome. Meanwhile, Junior transforms his shared room with Jack into a frat house, and Ruby and Diane gang up against them.
  • 8. Christmas in Theater Eight
    The Johnsons have a tradition of going to the movies on Christmas and they can never agree on what to see. Dre wants to see an important film about Rosa Parks, but they all want to see the latest action-packed superhero blockbuster. Meanwhile, Junior becomes embarrassed about taking a gap year after he runs into his ex-girlfriend Megan at the theater.
  • 9. Wilds of Valley Glen
    Dre must take Jack and Diane on a mandatory camping trip for school and hatches a plan for them to escape to a fancy hotel for some pampering. Meanwhile, Bow gets an award at work, but feels undermined after a colleague is surprised to learn that she went to USC for med school.
  • 10. Black Like Us
    Dre and Bow are furious after Diane isn’t lit properly in her class photo. Diane doesn’t want to make it a big deal, but they decide to talk to the principal about the need for sensitivity toward all complexions. Meanwhile, Junior claims there is unspoken colorism within their own family, and things get heated.
  • 11. Waltz in A Minor
    Dre’s teenage cousin Kyra needs a place to stay and the Johnsons decide to take her in, but they have different approaches to helping her adjust to suburban life. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane try to vet Kyra on social media to get information on her.
  • 12. Dreamgirls and Boys
    Dre and Bow struggle with the changing times of identity politics and gender neutrality. Diane auditions for the school play and scores the male lead part, but her crush starts spending time with another girl. Meanwhile, Junior’s Valentine’s Day date goes awry after Dre and Pops have a talk with him about chivalry.
  • 13. Son of a Pitch
    Junior is working at Stevens & Lido as an intern and takes some time to find his footing; but when he offers an idea during a pitch meeting, Dre immediately puts him in his place. Meanwhile, Bow has a meeting with one of Kyra’s teachers and learns that she has an aptitude for chemistry, but Kyra doesn’t want to transfer to a magnet school.
  • 14. Black History Month
    Dre is upset after he learns that Jack and Diane are getting the same surface-level education about Black History Month that he got when he was growing up. After taking it up with the twins’ teacher, he is asked to present at the assembly and wants to bring Black history to life.
  • 15. justakidfromcompton
    Dre and Bow want to send Kyra to Valley Glen Prep, but after the school treats them like a charity case, they are infuriated. Meanwhile, Junior wants to get a job as Josh’s assistant at Stevens & Lido.
  • 16. Enough Is Enough
    After Kyra’s estranged father, Perry, shows up and wants to bring Kyra home to Houston, Dre and Bow work to show him the amazing life they can provide for her. Meanwhile, the kids go on a mission to get her one last chili dog from Larry’s.
  • 17. Each One, Teach One
    Dre feels like he has made a difference with the diversity at Stevens & Lido as the head of the Urban Division, but when Junior tells him that Josh is his mentor, Dre flips out. Meanwhile, Jack and Diane show their friends a video of Bow dancing and now she’s become the hot mom.
  • 18. Andre Johnson: Good Person
    As they are planning Devante’s birthday, Bow wants to be more mindful with all the new child-rearing rules these days, but Dre isn’t having it. Junior tells Jack and Diane that they need to be more mindful of the environment and their first order of business is changing Ruby’s bad habits.
  • 19. Under the Influence
    Jack is going through an experimental phase and getting himself into trouble, so Dre chaperones the twins’ school dance to keep an eye on him. Meanwhile, Junior fights with his girlfriend, Niecy, after she thinks he spends too much time taking care of Devante.
  • 20. Good in the ‘Hood
    Dre’s sister Rhonda takes Jack and Diane to her part of town in a black neighborhood and claims the twins are scared of their own community. Dre and Rhonda take them to a local diner to show them why it’s so special. Meanwhile, Bow becomes the “office mom” at work, and Junior tries to help her break the label.
  • 21. FriDre Night Lights
    Dre is thrilled when Jack makes the football team, but Bow is against the idea. Meanwhile, Diane wants Junior to drive her to her first real date with Jalen, but Junior overstays his welcome.
  • 22. Is It Desert or Dessert
    Dre has concerns about Jack and Diane spending the weekend with their friends’ family in the desert. Meanwhile, Pops is forced to come to terms with how he treats women after he helps set Junior up.
  • 23. Relatively Grown Man
    After Junior gets an offer for his dream job working with Migos, Dre and Bow are determined to convince him to return to college and get his degree.
  • 1. Pops the Question
    Summer was a season of change for the Johnsons. The twins are headed into eighth grade, and Junior is out on his own managing social media for Migos. Meanwhile, Pops reveals that he is getting married.
  • 2. Every Day I'm Struggling
    When Rainbow and Dre realize Junior’s been taking them for granted, they decide it’s time to band together and cut him off for good. Meanwhile, Jack discovers he has a very lucrative talent, only Ruby wants to use it for all the wrong reasons.
  • 3. Feminisn't
    When Bow learns that Diane and Ruby don’t believe in feminism, she brings Diane to meet the women in her feminist group. Bow’s friend Abby thinks the group needs to be more inclusive, so Bow invites three of her girlfriends to join. Meanwhile, Junior and Jack help Dre after he realizes he is out of touch with modern-day feminism.
  • 4. When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)
    Jack gets cut from the basketball team and it leads to a family discussion about him being short for his age. Dre is worried for his future, but Bow feels strongly that Jack will overcome his adversity and be stronger for it.
  • 5. Mad and Boujee
    When Dre is invited to join a private social club for the black upper class, Bow and the family jump at the opportunity to mingle with this new community, but Dre’s not so sure these exclusive clubs are all they’re cracked up to be. Meanwhile, Junior helps Pops pick a wedding date.
  • 6. Everybody Blames Raymond
    Halloween is around the corner and the Johnsons are definitely not seeing eye to eye on the family costume. The only thing they do agree on is that Jack’s new friend Raymond has got to go. Meanwhile, Junior wants Devante’s first trick-or-treating experience to be perfect.
  • 7. Daughter for Dummies
    When Dre realizes that his relationship with Diane has been distant, he plans some daddy-daughter bonding sessions, but the plans backfire when he realizes the interest is one-sided. Meanwhile, Bow covers for Junior at his ChoreBoar gig.
  • 8. O Mother Where Art Thou
    When Dre discovers that Lynette is an art aficionado like himself, the two quickly bond and become close, but he begins to feel guilty since he is spending more time with her than Ruby. Meanwhile, Junior introduces Bow to virtual reality.
  • 9. University of Dre
    Dre and Bow are worried about Junior’s future working odd jobs, especially after he tells them he wants to produce comedy shows for unknown comics. When Dre realizes that Junior is putting himself out there and following in his own footsteps, he takes him under his wing to the “University of Dre.” Meanwhile, Rainbow encourages Diane to have a slumber party at their house.
  • 10. Father Christmas
    Pops doesn’t do Christmas, so when he shows up to the house full of holiday cheer with Lynette, Dre is thrown off. Pops wants to make up for lost time and go all out this Christmas. The whole family gets into the holiday spirit until someone from Lynette’s past shows up.
  • 11. Hair Day
    Bow takes Diane to get her hair done at the salon and wants to spend this time together as a bonding opportunity, but Diane isn’t having it. Diane is conflicted about relaxing her hair again and embarks on a hair journey with the help of Bow, Ruby and her hair stylist, Yaya. Meanwhile, Dre and Junior compete to have the best barbecue.
  • 12. Boss Daddy
    Dre’s torn at the office between looking out for Junior as his dad or letting him make his own mistakes. Meanwhile, Jack loses a friendship after trying to look cool in front of the basketball team.
  • 13. Kid Life Crisis
    The Johnsons go on vacation at an all-inclusive beach resort in paradise. Dre and Bow meet a couple without kids and live a kid-less fantasy for a while but soon begin to crave their kid-filled reality. Junior catches the eye of a cute girl at the resort and vies for her attention, while Jack gets the flu.
  • 14. Adventure to Ventura
    Dre worries Diane and Jack don’t know how to fend for themselves and sends them out on an adventure, only to realize it’s his overbearing worries that hold the twins back. Meanwhile, Junior gets into a tricky situation at work when he befriends Josh in hopes of scoring a positive peer review.
  • 15. The Gauntlet
    Dre thought he was the best gift-giver, but Bow tells him she prefers meaningful gifts over expensive ones, so he does his best to get her something she’ll love on Valentine’s Day. Meanwhile, Ruby teaches Jack how to get a girl after she hears about his love troubles, but her antiquated ways don’t help.
  • 16. Friendgame
    Bow is heartbroken to learn that Diane is no longer friends with Sophie. Having been scarred by her own friend breakup in middle school, Bow decides to intervene. Meanwhile, Dre discovers a hole in the wall that Junior and Jack were hiding and forces them to fix their own expensive mistake.
  • 17. You Don’t Know Jack
    Jack joins the robotics club and Dre worries it might be a detrimental failure for him after already being cut from the basketball team. Ruby embellishes a story for Diane’s school project.
  • 18. Best Supporting Husband
    Dre spirals when Rainbow is elected to the prestigious California Board of Medicine, and the invitation for the annual fundraising gala is addressed to Dr. Rainbow Johnson and guest. Meanwhile, Diane redecorates her room to impress Mason and they start a secret relationship.
  • 19. Dad Bod-y of Work
    Dre is guilted into volunteering at Jack and Diane’s school carnival for Give Back Day. Meanwhile, Rainbow makes an appointment for Junior to get his flu shot, but Ruby has strong opinions against modern medicine.
  • 20. A Game of Chicken
    Dre knows when to choose his battles with Bow, but they disagree on where to send Devante for preschool. Meanwhile, Junior helps Jack and Diane pull an epic eighth-grade prank.
  • 21. Earl, Interrupted
    Dre realizes he needs to intervene when Pops starts to go overboard while partying and gambling with old friends to mask his heartbreak. Meanwhile, Bow pawns school drop-off onto Junior so that she can avoid an annoying parent.
  • 22. …Baby One More Time
    Dre underestimates Rhonda’s ability to be a mom and struggles to support her decision to adopt a baby. Meanwhile, Ruby gets in the way of Bow’s plans for the perfect baby shower; and Junior, Jack and Diane go to extra lengths to give the best gift of the party.
  • 23. Love, Boat
    In the season finale of “black-ish,” Dre can't come to terms with his new reality when he discovers something shocking about Pops and Ruby. Junior feels the pressure to find love and tries to rekindle a past romance with a grand gesture.
  • 1. Election Special Pt. 1
    Junior is excited for his first time voting but discovers he has been purged from the voter polls so he does a deep dive into why – trying to understand the systems in place for voter registration.
  • 3. Hero Pizza
    As a first responder, Bow receives her family’s praise for her work in the beginning of the global pandemic, with Junior being her biggest fan. But over time, the family loses their enthusiasm, and Bow discovers someone in her house is breaking the quarantine lockdown rules. Meanwhile, Dre tries to convince everyone that he too is an essential worker.
  • 4. Dre at Home Order
    Dre underestimates how hard of an adjustment operating during a pandemic will be for the Johnsons. Meanwhile, Junior’s attempts to bring his girlfriend closer to the family are stymied by the new realities of social distancing.
  • 5. Age Against the Machine
    Dre and Junior butt heads over the most effective way to protest in the age of social media. Meanwhile, Jack grows jealous as Diane starts to hang out with the older kids at school.
  • 6. Our Wedding Dre
    Pops and Ruby are getting re-married! And Dre's intimate wedding plans go awry when Pops' brother, Uncle Norman, shows up unexpectedly for the festivities. Meanwhile, Ruby refuses Bow's offer to help with preparations until an unanticipated situation gives her an opening to save the big day
  • 7. Babes in Boyland
    Dre and Bow find out that Diane has a secret social media account and realize that she’s not their little girl anymore. After reprimanding her but allowing Jack more flexibility, Diane calls them out for the double standard in how they are parenting. Meanwhile, Junior and Ruby come clean to their respective romantic partners about white lies they’ve told since the beginning of their relationships.
  • 8. Compton Around the Christmas Tree
    Dre realizes he’s out of touch with his roots after Junior claims he’s turned into a “valley dad,” so he takes the family to his hometown of Compton. Meanwhile, Bow tries to teach Jack and Diane about the spirit of giving by having them volunteer in Compton for Christmas.
  • 9. Black-out
    When the power goes out in the neighborhood, Dre's instinct is to go into survival mode and stockpile on essentials, while Bow focuses on helping their neighbors. Meanwhile, Junior desperately searches for a place to charge his phone to get in touch with Olivia.
  • 10. What About Gary?
    Going against Bow’s warning, Dre tries to educate her white cousin Gary about how to be an ally. Meanwhile, Olivia is trying to impress Junior’s family by attempting to psychoanalyze everyone and their relationships with each other.
  • 11. First Trap
    After Bow makes history as the first Black female partner at her hospital, Dre feels like he is not supporting the Black community as much as he would like and tries to convince Stevens & Lido to hire another Black executive. Meanwhile, after her promotion, Bow struggles with the burden of being a Black, female trailblazer at her hospital and tries to mentor others.
  • 12. High Water Mark
    Dre is still hesitant about recreational use after catching Junior and Oliva smoking weed together. Bow doesn’t think it’s a big deal, but Ruby tries to intervene. Meanwhile, Diane asks Jack to help her with her senior prank and he is happy to be included.
  • 13. The Mother and Child De-Union
    While Bow and Junior take Olivia and her mother, Maxine, to brunch to celebrate Junior’s birthday, and Bow is forced to confront the idea of her and Junior having an oddly close relationship. Meanwhile, Jack is jealous that his new crush wants to hang out with Diane instead of him.
  • 14. Things Done Changed
    After trying to prove to Diane that hip-hop isn't dead, Dre realizes he may be out of touch with current trends; Jack thinks that he has become Bow's best friend.
  • 15. Jack's First Stand
    When Jack decides to go vegan, Dre is unsupportive because he is worried about messing up their bonding nights where they both would eat BBQ and watch MMA fights together. Meanwhile, Diane wants to buy a limited-edition Beyoncé doll with her allowance, which concerns Bow that Diane is not saving money.
  • 16. 100 Yards and Runnin’
    Bow and Dre let their competitive streaks out during their family game night and things escalate when they place a bet. Meanwhile, Junior and Olivia are at a turning point in their relationship when one person says “I love you.”
  • 17. Move-In Ready
    Against the warnings of Dre and his coworkers, Junior is resolute about his decision to move in with Olivia. They go on an apartment hunt together, but tensions rise when Olivia compares Junior to Dre. Meanwhile, Bow challenges Dre to get comfortable being alone.
  • 18. My Dinner with Andre Junior
    Junior and Olivia invite an excited Bow and Dre over for dinner in their new apartment, but upon arrival, they immediately become concerned with the young couple's living conditions. Meanwhile, Diane bonds with Pops as she asks for his advice on dating.
  • 19. Missions & Ambitions
    After having a conversation about deal breakers in relationships with Bow, Dre realizes that he gave up on some of his goals in life and begins tackling them; Junior worries Olivia might leave him after she mentions her deal breakers.
  • 20. Snitches Get Boundaries
    After one of Dre's secrets with Pops is spilled to Ruby, he realizes that his relationships with each of his parents have changed since they got married; Bow surprises Jack and Diane with a brand-new car and tries to teach the twins how to drive.
  • 21. Urban Legend
    Dre feels pigeonholed to the urban marketing team at Stevens & Lido and realizes he needs to make some big career changes. Boyz II Men stop by the office to help out the team with a campaign. Meanwhile, Junior has to deal with the twins who are overstaying their welcome at his and Olivia’s apartment.
  • 1. That's What Friends Are For
    Bow convinces Dre to attend a fundraising event for When We All Vote in hopes to make some new couple friends (and to do their part in increasing participation in each and every election), but Dre is convinced there will be nothing but dud husbands there to befriend. Their expectations are far exceeded when the special guest for the evening is none other than Michelle Obama. To their surprise, the former first lady accepts an invitation for dinner at their house. But on the evening of the special meal, the rest of the Johnsons want to crash the occasion.
  • 2. The Natural
    Dre can’t seem to land a good pitch now that he’s moved up to general marketing at his firm and begins to doubt himself. Meanwhile, Bow and Ruby question the new boy Diane is dating who doesn’t necessarily meet her standards
  • 3. Bow-Mo
    Dre calls into a radio show and gets humiliated in front of Diane and tries to redeem himself. Meanwhile, Bow tries to bond with a group of young female doctors and learns a hard truth
  • 4. Hoop Dreams
    Jack gets a job as the locker room attendant for the Los Angeles Lakers, and Dre and Bow feel like they need to step in before letting the job get to his head. Meanwhile, Pops and Ruby realize their daily routine has gotten boring and heed advice from Junior and Olivia.
  • 5. Ashy to Classy
    Dre overreacts to Devante leaving the house ashy and Bow intervenes, making the situation worse. Jack makes a bold outfit choice for picture day, and while Junior does not approve, Dre attempts to be more supportive
  • 6. Mom Mentor
    When Junior’s girlfriend, Olivia, gets into Yale, he asks Bow to convince her to stay and attend USC instead. Meanwhile, Diane and Jack discover Dre’s inspiration for his ads are hitting a little too close to home.
  • 7. Sneakers by the Dozen
    Dre spirals after finding out his white co-worker Griffin has a better sneaker collection than him. Meanwhile, Bow lets Diane take a day off from school against Pops’ advice.
  • 8. My Work-Friend’s Wedding
    Charlie announces that he is marrying Vivica A. Fox and asks Dre to be his best man. Meanwhile, Diane’s ongoing feud with the groom costs her an invite to the wedding, but she attempts to sneak in anyway.
  • 9. And the Winner Is…
    Dre gets news that he’s been nominated for an Ad World Award but may have to miss an important family function if he attends. Meanwhile, Olivia returns from Yale to visit Junior who has a full day of L.A. fun planned for their visit.
  • 10. Young, Gifted and Black
    When Dre and Bow get a note that Devante may be falling behind at his private school, they expect he is being discriminated against because he is the only Black student in class. But during their visit to his classroom, they realize there may be more to it, and gravely overstep in one of his school projects. At home, Junior is still coping with heartbreak, and Jack and Diane enlist Charlie to cheer him up.
  • 11. The (Almost) Last Dance
    Pops and Ruby announce they are moving out of the house to travel the United States in their RV, garnering mixed reactions from the Johnson family. When Bow realizes she is beginning perimenopause, Dre enlists her mother’s help.
  • 12. If a Black Man Cries in the Woods...
    Pops, Dre and Junior go on a “man trip” to heal old wounds. Meanwhile, Diane and Jack contemplate their futures as they look at their college wish lists.
  • 13. Homegoing
    As Pops and Ruby prepare to move away, Dre and Bow consider if they should make a big life change as well. Grappling with this idea at work, Dre receives some unexpected advice from Simone Biles, who tells him to follow his heart. The Johnsons prepare for their goodbyes in the series finale.
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