«Изгой» (Outcast)

«Изгой» (Outcast)
  • Рейтинг: 7,70
  • Год выпуска: 2016
  • Жанры: Драма, Ужасы
  • Страны: Соединенные штаты
  • Время: 60 минут
  • Сложность: 10

Молодой человек - Кайл не имеет роскоши жить обычной жизнью, с парнем происходят необычные вещи, но рассказать о них он не может никому.

  • Kyle finds the possession phenomenon to be more widespread than he had imagined, while Reverend Anderson struggles with guilt over his actions.
  • The mystery of the supernatural manifestations and why they are drawn to Kyle continues. As the possessions grow, Kyle struggles to protect those he holds most dear.
  • Megan must face the consequences of her actions. Meanwhile, a disappearance in Rome leads Kyle and Anderson to a new and dangerous consequence of the rise in possessions.
  • A dangerous fugitive on the loose threatens the town of Rome, as well as Reverend Anderson’s sanity. Kyle struggles with a new understanding of where his powers – and his curse – originated. Megan and Holly attempt to rebuild their lives
  • Kyle gets closer to finding Sidney, while Anderson discovers an unexpected potential ally. A prominent member of the Rome community is revealed to be an agent of the possessed, and few characters will escape his plan unscathed.
  • Kyle's family and friends mourn the aftermath of a disaster – until a revelation from Reverend Anderson compels them to use Amber's unique powers. Allison rejoins her family in Rome.
  • Kyle attempts to get his family to safety as the town of Rome becomes increasingly overrun by the possessed. Anderson takes Megan under his wing, bringing her to find solace in an unlikely place. Chief Giles realizes his wife has been resorting to desperate measures.
  • Kyle faces the mysteries behind his powers. Reverend Anderson finally confronts Sidney as Doctor Park's plans grow in scale. Megan makes an unlikely friend – one who will prove dangerous. Chief Giles tries to defend himself and his wife from the tide of the possessed in Rome.
  • Kyle and Anderson face down Sidney – until an unexpected threat intervenes. Megan leaves the relative safety of the backwoods church, and danger quickly finds her. Tragedy strikes the Giles family. An unexpected stranger rivets Kyle's attention.
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