«Юная» (Younger)

«Юная» (Younger)
  • Рейтинг: 7,70
  • Год выпуска: 2015
  • Жанры: Роман, Комедия
  • Страны: Соединенные штаты
  • Время: 23 минут
  • Сложность: 9

Сорокалетняя мама одиночка решает полностью изменить жизнь. Поэтому, Лиза полностью меняет весь гардероб и выдает себя за 26-летнюю девушку, чтобы влиться в компанию.

  • 40-year-old Liza passes herself off as 26 to land a job in the field of her dreams. Now she just has to make sure no one discovers her secret.
  • While settling into life as a 26-year-old, Liza looks to date someone age-appropriate, and learn to market to a younger audience.
  • Liza struggles with the anxiety of sex with Josh and gets a little help from Maggie. At work, Kelsey pulls out all the stops to land a hot new author, while Diana dips her toe into the online dating pool.
  • Liza tries to keep her distance from Josh, but reconsiders when she has a surprise run-in; Kelsey asks Liza to keep her in check.
  • After helping Kelsey, Liza joins Kelsey's inner circle, neglecting Maggie at a bad time; Diana is excited by the arrival of a publisher.
  • Diana tasks Liza with running a book launch party for a demanding author; Maggie encounters an old crush; Kelsey starts to fall for her new author.
  • When her ex shorts her on her daughter's tuition payment, Liza needs to earn cash quickly without arousing suspicion; Kelsey continues to blur the lines.
  • As the grind of 20-something life continues to wear Liza down, she glimpses a more age-appropriate world when her publisher needs her to babysit. Kelsey's affair with her author finally comes to a head at an award ceremony.
  • Liza returns to her New Jersey book club in hopes of creating interest in an unpublished author; Josh gives Liza the cold shoulder.
  • After a bedbug scare forces Liza into some uncomfortable and illuminating sleeping arrangements, she struggles to close the deal on her first literary find.
  • Liza learns of a new career option; Lauren throws a bat mitzvah; Kelsey deals with the aftermath of her affair.
  • Liza's lies come to a disastrous head on multiple fronts, threatening to ruin her professionally and romantically.
  • Kelsey makes her debut as publisher, quickly realizing that the company is in trouble. The new regime – and a revelation about Liza – sends Diana into crisis. Josh finds out the paternity of Clare’s baby.
  • Liza and Kelsey clash with Quinn, who’s walking the line between author and investor. Diana offends Enzo. Lauren throws a gender reveal party for Clare's baby.
  • Liza and Charles' romance heats up, but Liza suspects he's keeping something from her. Millennial gets the scoop on a tell-all from acquitted murderer Audrey Colbert. Kelsey feels undermined by Quinn.
  • Liza worries about Charles's possible business venture, the stress of being publisher takes a toll on Kelsey, and Millennial has a new competitor.
  • Liza and Charles use competiton to spice up their relationship. Kelsey and Diana question Liza’s loyalty. Josh reaps the perks of going viral.
  • Liza and Charles attend a micro-dosing retreat, where Liza is surprised by new friends and familiar faces. Brownyn Madigan finds an unlikely voice for her audio books. Maggie gets hogtied.
  • Kelsey struggles to integrate Mercury into Millennial, Liza finds a compelling manuscript in Charles's moving boxes, and Enzo and Diana's relationship reaches a new level.
  • Charles wants to take the next step with Liza. Millennial participates in a Debutante Ball for first-time authors.
  • Millennial deals with the fallout of the Debutante Ball. Liza is pulled into a media frenzy, led by a publicity-hungry Quinn Tyler. Maggie dates against type. Kelsey and Zane reset.
  • Liza is shocked to see an unexpected costar in her Infinitely 21 ad campaign. Kelsey and Charles head to Chicago with a plan. Josh considers his options beyond Inkburg.
  • Millennial is left reeling after another regime change. Kelsey deals with the aftermath of her social media mishap. Liza tries to be polite while letting go of the past. The gang celebrates Diana.
  • Liza struggles to balance without Kelsey. Kelsey strategizes with an unlikely ally. Diana and Charles both make moves for the future.
  • As Diana sets out on her honeymoon, Liza considers Charles's proposal. Kelsey turns Quinn down, but some speed bumps in her personal and professional life make Kelsey doubt herself. Lauren's 30th is out of this world.
  • Liza tries to settle into the next chapter of her personal life. Liza and Kelsey dig deep to win over Fupa Grünhoff, a teenage climate change activist.
  • With her personal life on rocky ground, Liza focuses on work and a new book pitch by sexy surfer, Kai Manning. The Empirical team meets with Quinn Tyler, whose latest book idea was inspired by Charles. Empirical rebrands.
  • Liza travels to Montauk to help a sexy pro surfer with his memoir. She comes back to the office refreshed. An unexpected adventure with Quinn leaves Kelsey questioning her career choices. Josh's new love interest gets loud.
  • 40-year-old Liza (Sutton Foster) passes herself off as 26 to land a job in the field of her dreams. Now she just has to make sure no one discovers her secret.
  • 40-year-old Liza (Sutton Foster) passes herself off as 26 to land a job in the field of her dreams. Now she just has to make sure no one discovers her secret. Also stars Hilary Duff, Debi Mazar, Nico Tortorella and Miriam Shor.
  • After an Empirical author dies, Charles reconnects with the widow who was the real-life inspiration for his novel, The Miseducation of Henry Cane. Maggie teaches a class on her past art and is confronted with a big problem.
  • When Caitlin needs help with a Vassar event, Liza is forced to turn to an inconvenient source: Quinn. Kelsey is unhappy with her time in the spotlight and tries to find a way out of it. Maggie gets cancelled.
  • Liza and Charles work closely together to land a married writing duo; after Redmond calls her out, Kelsey takes drastic measures to keep an author she nurtured at her literary salon; Kelsey's personal life gets complicated.
  • Maggie debuts a new art show at an unconventional venue; Clare helps Kelsey at work, as their dating lives become intertwined; Liza convinces Charles to come to her literary salon where a major talent reads.
  • Things seem to be warming up between Liza and Charles, but a piece of intel and an exotic trip make Liza feel iced out; Kelsey moves into a new apartment, and Lauren throws her a housewarming party with a surprising ending.
  • Charles and Liza make amends and promise not to lie anymore, but Kelsey's plans force Liza to withhold the truth. Lauren plans a romantic reunion. Sparks fly between Maggie and an enemy-turned-friend.
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