Travel around the world with author Dan Buettner to discover five unique communities where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives.
1. The Journey Begins
Buettner travels to Okinawa, Japan, where the island's oldest residents still share a serene way of life motivated by a sense of purpose, or ikigai.
2. An Unexpected Discovery
From the mountain villages of Sardinia to a sunny suburb of California, Buettner explores what has contributed to these communities' amazing lifespans.
3. The End of Blue Zones?
People in two very different Blue Zones — the Greek island Ikaria and Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula — thrive thanks to their unique diets and traditions.
4. The Future of Longevity
Buettner visits Singapore, then shares his discoveries in the United States to find out if we can create new Blue Zones in a rapidly changing world.
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